With the end of 2022 approaching, I want to express my sincere appreciation to all that help Sadler Health Center make the provision of comprehensive healthcare possible. I can’t say thank you enough to Sadler’s employees, board members, donors, and community partners for your dedication and generosity to support our mission.
My gratitude for Sadler’s accomplishments this year is at the heart of this letter – the achievements that we can be proud of and celebrate. During 2022, we have seen the growth of our community health response through our community health worker team. This team literally acts as liaisons out in the community to serve the underserved and helps connect people to valuable resources. Sadler’s telepsychiatry program has continued to grow and served 219 patients this year. This represents an increase of 94 new patients in 2022. Beginning in November, telepsychiatry services will expand to 24 hours per week.

An area making a significant impact in the community is Sadler’s care of children. I appreciate the Sadler medical and support teams for making 1,257 well child checks so far in 2022. In addition, our providers saw 583 children for sick visits. Our Dental team has conducted 3,022 appointments for children this year. These services for children are important because as children grow, regularly scheduled appointments monitor key milestones to gauge whether a child is developing within a healthy zone. The earlier these interventions take place, the more possibility there is to correct an issue and mitigate further development delays that could impact the child’s ability to grow into a healthy adult.
Also, I’m proud to share that Sadler Health Center was recognized again by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), as a Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH). As described by the NCQA, a patient-centered medical home is a model of care that puts patients at the forefront of care. PCMHs build better relationships between patients and their clinical care teams.
These are just a few examples of the accomplishments we achieved this year. At the heart of each one, is a dedicated team of employees that work hard to make Sadler an essential healthcare resource in the community. I am grateful for their acts of strength, courage, patience and willingness to help others. In addition, I am thankful for our board members who guide Sadler towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure that we have adequate resources to advance our mission.
And, I want to thank you for supporting Sadler Health Center with philanthropic gifts. Your generosity goes a long way to make a difference every day and helps build a healthy community.
Happy and healthy holidays to you and yours,
Manal El Harrak